PDCA: Vocational School Requirements

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PDCA: Vocational School Requirements

To achieve and maintain compliance with the below noted "Related Laws" on YOUNG WORKERS-Vocational School Requirements, it is necessary to have the following management system foundations in place -following the PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT system structure: 

  • Up-to-date legal requirements and commitments (policies/activities) to ensure young workers (students/interns) are correctly hired, including working hours, wage structure, work conditions such as hazardous areas are restricted, and accommodation such as a dormitory is provided accordingly. 
  • Procedures and accountability to implementing the young workers' (student/interns) policies/activities, particularly identifying and contracting between the schools and appropriate protections regarding health and safety while working.
  • General training for management and workers on the young workers' (students/interns) policies/activities and technical training for managers/hiring team/human resources staff on effective agreement/contracting process during hiring. 
  • Documentation of procedures on screening and young workers' (students/interns) protections.
  • Periodic Management System Owner and Team Members review how effectively the overall system performs.


  • Meeting legal requirements.
  • Aligning with customer's requirements.
  • Protection of children's health, wellbeing, development, and access to education.
  • Support educational/vocational growth.

The following sections provide a detailed example of the PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT contents needed. This content can be used as a starting point by any factory to build out their management system and cross-check and compare an existing system.



Access and review the requirements (laws) on: Young Workers-Vocational School Requirements and "Related Laws" (noted at the bottom of this page) and any other risks/opportunities assessment and standards applicable such as customer's requirements.


Set up your teams to ensure that your system has the appropriate staff overseeing and implementing all the (input/output) activities and continuously monitoring the system. 

  • Senior Management - The Senior Management team and the specific Functional Team Members must continuously work together throughout the PDCA cycles to impact sustainable change and improve overall system performance. 
  • Functional Team Members - The Human Resource Manager will rely on the Production Manager and the Hiring, the Payroll (Wages and Benefits) Manager, the Production Manager and Recruitment Manager to fulfill the requirements of the laws regarding Young Workers - Vocational School Requirements. They must continuously communicate with the Senior Management team and other relevant stakeholders consistently and routinely to impact sustainable change and improve overall system performance. 
  • Ongoing Support - Worker feedback and participation. Others could include external stakeholders, i.e., NGOs, etc.


Determine how your factory will meet the legal requirements on Young Workers-Vocational School Requirements . What needs to be in place (activities/processes/procedures) to meet your overall system objectives and show that your factory is committed to complying with the law. 

You may need to assess your current system practices with the system input activities list below and identify the gaps for improvements. 

  • Establish controls to ensure maximum ratios of students workers allowed up to 10% of full workforce and 20% of a specific position.
  • Ensure students are provided accommodation at no charge if they are away from their usual residence. 
  • For example in Jiangsu: Establish max length of contract 12 months.
  • Establish controls that wages for students are not less than 80% of regular employee during probation and are paid in full.
  • Establish liability insurance for all students including coverage for injury and death and legal fee liability coverage for students.
  • Ensure protections against hazardous work for all young workers includes students.
  • Establish controls against all overtime for students (Article 16).
  • Establish signed agreement between the school, factory and student outlining employment terms, wages and restrictions.



With the required activities(process/procedures) in place, the system's primary owners must continuously communicate and train all managers and workers on the legal requirements and your factory's commitments towards it. 

  • Provide initial and refresher training for staff involved in recruitment, selection, and hiring of young workers. 
  • Ensure job advertisement and job descriptions state the minimum hiring age and restrictions for young workers. 
  • Train managers and supervisors on procedures to systematically protect young workers from occupational hazards, including the prohibition of overtime. 
  • Train human resources managers to ensure correct documentation of signed agreements, assignments of students.
  • Train payroll managers to ensure the correct set up of wages of students.
  • Communicate the company’s young worker policy to any staffing/ recruitment agencies placing workers in the factory. 
  • In all instances where training is required, records of training will need to be kept. 


The results (Outputs/Outcomes) from all the activities are listed below. These are the methods/processes/procedures that should be in place to ensure that Young Workers and their Vocational School Requirements
 are protected in the workplace. 

  • Control process for student numbers in specific roles and overall workforce
  • Established accommodation for students when applicable that meets all dormitory, food, space and ablution legal requirements.
  • Vocational training agreements between School, Employer and student that meets legal requirements.
  • Minimum wage for students controls.
  • Liability policy/policies for all students which meet legal requirements. 
  • Work hours controls to ensure no student works overtime.


Below are sample templates to help you manage/organize your system process. You can adjust it as you see fit to work for your facility or your existing management system. 



Review owners include the Functional Team Members and specific criteria below:

  • Review of each Output should be carried out by another senior staff member within the company or through an independent second or third-party audit. 
  • Review Owners can be limited to senior company managers such as the Chief Executive Officer or Head of Human Resources. 
  • Alternatively, for in-house review, other Management System owners can review each other’s Management System on a rotational basis. 


It should never be assumed that every Input/Output activity has been carried out correctly. Review Owners need to make sure all the activities are adequately implemented and working smoothly:  

  • Outputs/Outcomes from the DO section are up to date. This means the Review Owners essentially confirm all the Activities in the PLAN/DO sections have been carried out correctly. For example, regularly review young worker (student’s/interns) job assignments to check that restrictions on the job type and working hours meet legal/factory requirements. 
  • Conduct an inspection in the factory -check the documentation and interview workers to confirm the Activities (processes/procedures) are correctly implemented to produce the Outputs/Outcomes that meet the requirements of the laws applicable to the Management System.  For example, get feedback from newly hired young workers (students/interns) on the recruitment, selection, and hiring process and any communications around working hours.


  • Any findings arising from the process review are escalated to the Management System Owner and Team members mentioned in the PLAN section. This is done using the Escalation Process and Tracking Guidance template in the DO section. 
  • Corrective action for the findings is carried out through the Owner and Team members. 
  • Findings or faults observed in the Management System, its activities (Input/Output) are summarized for presentation and actions by Factory Manager with Management System Owner and Team Members.



For continuous improvement in your system on the employment of young workers (students/interns)- vocational school requirements, you will need to ensure: 

  • Periodic review of the system by Factory Manager with Management System Owner and Team Members of findings in the CHECK section should result in a directive to improve or update the PLAN, DO and CHECK sections. 
  • Management makes a written commitment with an implementation timeline to implement these improvements (take immediate corrective and preventive actions). 
  • Continuously review the improvements made at the time of the deadlines to ensure they are adequate or need further improvement. 
  • Repeat the PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT process, adjust and re-adjust the objectives, input/output activities, and evaluate the effectiveness and corrective action plans.



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